Teacher Development
The mission of our Suzuki Teacher Development program is to help every aspiring Suzuki teacher become a fine musical model for their students and a well informed advocate for Dr. Suzuki's belief that every child can learn and excel in music. Our SAA Teacher Trainers are dedicated to helping each participant be the best teacher they can be.
The Pennsylvania Suzuki Institute runs Teacher Development courses in accordance with the guidelines and requirements of the Suzuki Association of the Americas (SAA)
How do I become a Suzuki teacher?
1. Join the SAA as an Active teacher member.
2. Take the Ever Child Can! (ECC) course, an introduction to the Suzuki Philosophy and Method.
3. Submit your teacher training video audition at least 8 weeks before your first Book training course.
4. Take Book training courses:
ECC, Books 1,2, and 3 must be taken in order.
After taking ECC and Books 1-3, you can take the other books in any order.
5. After the Institute week and all requirements are met, your training will be officially registered with the SAA by the Suzuki Institute.
Preliminary Schedule 2020
The following courses will be offered in 2020:
Every Child Can! July 19 with James Hutchins
Violin Unit 1, July 20-27 with James Hutchins
Cello Unit 1, July 20-27 with Beth Goldstein-McKee