Suzuki Program preliminary Schedule

Tuesday, July 15 OPENING DAY

9:00 - 10:30  Institute Registration (Pick up schedules, t shirts etc.)

10:30 Opening Play-In *Students will be invited to perform the pieces they know from the Opening Play-In list. This will be sent out in Welcome Packet in late June.

12-1 Lunch

1-4 Individual Classes

4:15 SAA Parent Talk

Wednesday- Friday, July 16-18

9-12 Individual Classes

12-1 Lunch

1-4 Individual Classes

4:15 *optional activities including Faculty Recital and Student Recitals and YAP chamber concert (held on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday)

Saturday, July 19

9-12 Individual Classes

12-1 Lunch

1-3pm  Grand Concert with all Performing Groups and Orchestras

Young Artist preliminary Schedule

Monday, July 14 OPENING DAY

1:00-1:30  Registration (Pick up schedules, t shirts etc..)

1:30-3:30 Chamber Orchestra Rehearsal

3:45-5:00 First chamber group "get-to-know-you" and rehearsal

Tuesday, July 15

9-10:15 Chamber Orchestra Rehearsal

10:30 Opening Play-In and Young Artist Chamber Orchestra performance

12-1 Lunch

1-4 Individual classes

4pm Parent Talk *optional

Wednesday- Friday, July 16-18

9-12 Individual Classes

12-1 Lunch

1-4 Individual Classes

4pm Faculty Recital, Student Recital and YAP Chamber performance will be held on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday

Saturday, July 19

9-12 Individual Classes

12-1 Lunch

1-3pm  Grand Concert with all Performing Groups and Orchestras

Teacher Training preliminary schedule

Every Child Can! with James Hutchins

*Required 8 hour course

Saturday, July 17th from 1-6pm and the 18th from 9-12pm

VIOLIN BOOK 1 with Kirsten marshall +

cello book 1 with Beth Goldstein-mckee

*Required 28 hours of instruction; 15 hours of observation

Sunday, July 18

8:45 Registration (Pick up schedules, maps, t-shirts, etc.)

9-12 Instruction

12-1 Lunch

1-4 Instruction

Monday, July 19

9-12 Instruction

12-1 Lunch

1-4 Instruction

Tuesday, July 20

10-12 Instruction

12-1 Lunch

1-4 Instruction/Possible Observation hours

Wednesday - Friday, July 21-23

*You will have two hours of teacher training instruction each day, and the remaining hours will be used for observation.

9-12 Instruction/Possible Observation hours

12-1 Lunch

1-4 Instruction/Possible Observation hours

Saturday, July 24

9-12 Instruction/Possible Observation hours

12-1 Lunch

1:30-3:30 Grand Concerts (Possible Observation hours)

Sunday, July 25

9-12 Instruction

12-1 Lunch

1-4 Instruction